Honestly with that title how could you not guess who would be pictured in this post. When the phrase Massive Shemale Erection comes out there is only one shemale erection to look at. And that of course belongs to Mariana Cordoba. The Queen of Dong. The Goddess of the hardon. If your not sure these words are true simply look at the image below to see for yourself. Hot does not even begin to express how you start to feel looking at that Massive shemale erection.
Now that you have seen it. What action would you take when presented with Mariana sitting like this? How would you approach her. What would you say and what would you do? Tell us about it below. Otherwise read what I would do in that special event.
If you noted that she is sitting on the bed then to approach her would be easy. Dropping my clothes at the door I would slowly slide up on the bed next to her and lean in and gently kiss her lips. As soon as I noted an increase in her breathing I would my move my lips to her neck and then slowly down to her amazing and big tranny tits. That’s an area I would spend a good amount of time at because I am a boob man. Then as she continued to breath deeper I would take one hand and gently start to caress her massive shemale erection!